
You've read the script, now here's the film. In what is now a fuzzy blur of a week, we can only remember amazing shows with musical dignitaries, stealing someones bike for a photoshoot, hanging out at Jack White's pop-up record store, ...Read More


Sunday at SXSW is never complete without a sojourn to SoCo (South Congress). Resultantly, we ended up at Guero's (where Tarantino filmed the opening scenes of Death Proof), clocking up a bill of 20 tequilas and 19 frozen margaritas with ...Read More


We were greeted by the most un-Austin-like and offensive European weather on Saturday. As we prepared for our seventh and final show of six days at South by South West 2010, we donned the coats we had only packed for ...Read More


In a successful attempt to make ourselves exhausted, short-tempered and ill we decided to play three shows in one day. That day was today, Friday. It started off like a scene from a zombie horror movie as we zig zagged ...Read More


Wednesday and the SXSW Music festival had started good and proper. A quick glance over the balcony revealed the freshly installed road blocks attended by a beady-eyed cop who loves his job, rendering downtown Austin a pedestrianised gigging precinct. The ...Read More